Delirium tremens, the DTs, the horrors, the abdabs, the jimjams, and the shaking delirium are all names for acute episodes of delirium caused by withdrawal... from Ebay?
I love junk/antique shopping and this part of my life has come to a screetching halt as a result of our impending move. Why buy more stuff only to store it for the next few years? I have succesfully steered clear of the flea market, after Christmas sales and my favorite antique malls for the past couple of months. But in the last 72 hours I have figured out a dangerous outlet for dealing with my moving anxiety by shopping on Ebay. It is safe to say that the UPS delivery truck will be a constant fixture in front of our home for the next week.
In a matter of minutes I picked up a small library of antiquarian books, vintage Barbie doll cases, antique chocolate molds and Queen Victoria's hair. When I fall off the wagon, I buy it. I think it's the creepy hair purchase that has me feeling so low. When I told Lulu that I had gotten a great deal on the Queen's locks and they are worth ten times what I bought them for, she wisely responded "what is ten times the value of nothing?" God save the Queen and our bank account.