Sunday, February 6, 2011


We have taken four trips around Asia in the past month and a half. We finally made it to the Great Wall, and it is indeed a mighty fine wall! A lovely Chinese family asked to be photographed with us at the top of a particularly steep climb, I think they were fascinated by the fact that I looked like I was on the brink of expiring. Perhaps it was the insane hairdo I've been sporting.

A few months ago I decided to have my hair straightened. Still lacking in Mandarin skills, I had to pantomime what I wanted to the hairstylist, and apparently I am not very good at pantomiming. Rather than communicating that I desired silky straight hair, I asked for highly flammable felted hair. I tried living with hair that resembled a shrunken wool sweater, but I finally ended up with a mannish acrylic fro. It's not a good look, trust me.