Monday, December 22, 2008

A Corleone Christmas

I have a rather odd Christmas tradition of watching The Godfather 1 and 2 on Christmas Eve night. I stay up until the wee hours of Christmas morning helping Santa get the house ready for the kids, as we watch these two wonderful movies. Santa tends to leave his snowy white shoe prints all over the living room floor just as I am turning off the DVD. Nothing puts me in the holiday spirit more than hearing the line, "leave the gun, take the cannoli"!


Anonymous said...

I'll grant you--that is a little odd! I'm more of a Little Women gal myself... said...

Linda, that is funny. I'll never not think of you & the Godfather on Christmas eve... ~PJ

noodle and lou said...

Enjoy it Linda!!

Merry Christmas and Happy, Happy New Year:):) xox...jenn

Saucy said...

That is a funny choice for Christmas Eve!

So, you understood "to the mattresses" in "You've Got Mail" then?

Anonymous said...

I hope you have a bit of red sauce pasta and red wine!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas!

Becky Brown said...

You know, I never would have considered those Christmas movies, but they totally work. And I have no room to talk - my family watches Trading Places every Christmas day. It totally puts me in the Christmas spirit.

Anonymous said...

My husband and son would feel right at home at your house. They do the same thing... except if possible they try to do this every other month. A Very Merry Christmas to you and your family =)

Unknown said...

So "it's an offer you can't refuse." ;)
My son just told me he was looking forward to watching it too.

Sweet Holiday Wishes,

katie said...

I watch the godfather on Christmas day actually. That or Deliverance.
I'll be thinking of you Linda!
