Thursday, June 11, 2009

Rolling Up My Sleeves

It's been a very long time since I made a large collage, and I am hoping to change that today.

This photographs does not show you all of the insane layers of this piece, I started by drawing the little girls, painting them and layering bits and pieces of a 1950's travel diary around them. I painted over all of the ephemera and then collaged over the girls with a dress pattern. I could continue to fiddle with this until it's about five inches thick with layers of vintage bits. I need to start a new piece and retire this one.


elma said...

I love that one:) So cute.

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

How sweet!!!!!! I especially love the little bird at the bottom!!!!
cute, cute, cute!!!


Rosemary said...

Very nice Linda!!
Thanks for visiting my blog.

Simply Iowa said...

How cool is that! Love it!
Barb C

superbadfriend said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE this one! :)xo

Becky Brown said...

I looooove this collage. I'm excited to see what you come up with next. Let those creative juices flow!

Saucy said...

It looks wonderful! Tell us, how large are you working? Large scale collage is delicious!!

Esther said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. Yours is great. I particularly loved the family photos. I'm sure we all have some to share, lurking in the backs of our cupboards.

A yabbie, by the way, is a small type of freshwater crayfish.

Heidi said...

Darling! And the shrines are super cute! Good luck with the birthday party plans. I was just thinking about what I should do for my son who turns 16 on Sept. 16th!

Gabriela said...

Love this collage!

~ Gabriela ~

Cute Beams said...

Can hardly wait to see the finished project. I am starting a new college myself this week. Feel good to get all glueie. Love your blog.

CynthiaAvaDevta said...

I love this. It's adorable!

vivienne strauss said...

I love it! I have some images like this somewhere, next time I run across them, I'll drop them in the mail to you!