I was so sad to see that an old estate in my neighborhood was being torn down, but I was able to salvage this arch that once hung over the carved front door. Have you ever been to a pre-demolition sale? You bring your own tools and you are responsible for removing whatever you buy, wood floors, windows, molding, patio pavers, you name it. It's actually loads of fun, and you can get some great deals on cool things! I hate to gloat, but the arch only cost $30.00!!!
Major score. Yes, I have been to predemo sales. Once I wanted the whole cypress walled library from a mansion. Mr, Fred, the muscle, said no! I have seen some cool things being sold off including the landscaping.
cool score! Looks great over your bed!
Great score, great price - way to save something so darned cool! I love it over your bed! xo-Mel
I would definitely be gloating over that purchase. Amazing deal.
Ya did good! - Teresa
I love your new/thrifty arch....great find. Also enjoying the vintge 4th of July photos!
What a find! And what a great way to put it to use - it's perfect!
~ Carolee
SCORE!!! I love it:)
That is lovely--reappropriated salvage is such a good way to decorate in my book.
What a great find, Linda! The arch looks beautiful above the bed, and what a great story you have to go with your new architectural salvage... talk about provenance! (and $30?!!!)
Uber cool....
I've never been to a demolition sale... but Buddy Budderson and I used to like taking out lawnchairs and watching the actual demos! I think I missed out on even more fun than that.
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