Found loads of cute food.

Shanghai's skyline designed by George Jetson
Blue Gumby is everywhere for the Shanghai World Expo

(Chinese symbol for junking)
I am back and completely turned around, wide awake all night and sleepy during the day. We had fun shopping in Shanghai and found a few cool things to bring back home. Chinese junk shopping involves some serious negotiating with a calculator being passed back and forth. On more than one occasion I heard the merchants getting a hardy chuckle at how much this dumb American paid for something.
Very little of old Shanghai is still standing. I saw a few old buildings waiting for the wrecking ball with cool architectural details that clearly weren't being saved. I was tempted to jump a construction fence and pry off a carved wood frieze hanging over an old door. Gar is always so quick to poo poo this type of activity, such a party pooper!
Lulu and I braved they very crowded market and she scored a Mao watch. I was always drawn to the rickety old stool or chair that the merchant was sitting on, but I new the limitations of our luggage. We thoroughly enjoyed venturing into the grocery stores and looking for packages of cute food. I bought the kids something that I thought was like Starburst candy. After eating one of these "Starbursts" Deke narrowed them down to being gum or soap, we never did figure it out.

Details. I want details! xo Joan
How exciting! I've always wanted to go! One day I'd love to move there for a couple of years. Now that would be a book!
Gum or soap....LOL!!! Y'all are too funny!
Welcome home!!! Now you can have junk food without having to eat in a junk! So glad you didn't try to make off with the interesting stools the merchants were perched on. No need to try writing your blog from a Chinese prison, right? So glad you are all back home, safe and sound and so culturally rounded. (Although that 'George Jetson skyline' WAS mighty impressive).
Karen with a
beautiful bracelet
on her wrist
I want to hear more! You were there on a shopping trip? Tell all. It sounds absolutely fascinating!
Very funny! Trust Miss Lulu to find such a watch. I actually have seen one, you know. My brother has one, plus a crazy Mao lighter. I suppose some of the North American Kennedy/Obama and that sort of merchandise would make Chinese people giggle... they would think it campy that I have a Jackie O doll in my dining room, do you think?
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