Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Dumbest Thing I Ever Bought

Delirium tremens, the DTs, the horrors, the abdabs, the jimjams, and the shaking delirium are all names for  acute episodes of delirium  caused by withdrawal...  from Ebay?
I love junk/antique shopping and this part of my life has come to a screetching halt as a result of our impending move. Why buy more stuff only to store it for the next few years? I have succesfully steered clear of the flea market, after Christmas sales and my favorite antique malls for the past couple of months. But in the last 72 hours I have figured out a dangerous outlet for dealing with my moving anxiety by shopping on Ebay. It is safe to say that the UPS delivery truck will be a constant fixture in front of our home for the next week.
In a matter of minutes I picked up a small library of antiquarian books, vintage Barbie doll cases, antique chocolate molds and Queen Victoria's hair. When I fall off the wagon, I buy it. I think it's the creepy hair purchase that has me feeling so low. When I told Lulu that I had gotten a great deal on the Queen's locks and they are worth ten times what I bought them for, she wisely responded "what is ten times the value of nothing?" God save the Queen and our bank account.


Unknown said...

Linda, you are too funny! Did the hair come with an authentication letter? With her hair sample could you now clone her? Scary, dear, and I'll pray for you and your bank account. :0)

Coco said...

Um..your daughter is way too smart for your shopping addiction.

Rebecca Ramsey said...

One day I want to meet your daughter. She's very cool.
(And I believe I know where she got it.)

Unknown said...

Lulu is extremely cool...and falls into the genius category. She's not only smart and sweet but she's beautiful and funny.

Karen from A`Musements said...

I think Lulu might possibly be the reincarnation of my Dad. He infamously told my Mother, after having spent a small fortune at an antique shop in the early 70's that her French millener's bell was, "a nice chunk of marble with some fancy brasswork and three nice shells made into a bell...and only worth what someone else will pay for it when you're tired of it." I guess DeBeers wouldn't have gotten very far hearing that diamonds are 'just rocks'...
God Save the Queen!

anythinggoeshere said...

Oh, no!

One Gal's Trash said...

Here's what I get:
"Mommy you have too much junk HAVE TO stop!".
Needless to say, I pay no attention.

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness for Lulu...she'll help keep you on the straight and narrow until you pack!

Ronnie said...

Okay, I may be odd man out here, but I think this is a brilliantly hairy purchase. AN INVESTMENT!
With the opening of the new movie, Young Victoria, you have built in Hollywood hype!
Wait, then sell and watch those benjamins roll in.

Sarah said...

Oh, is she ever a smart cookie!

savvycityfarmer said...

sounds like my addiction ... only worse ..hehe
when are you moving?

Saucy said...

Ha! Lulu thinks just like Veto. But seriously... is it really the Queen's hair? Or is this the hubbub about the movie?

Perhaps you should wash it when the UPS guy brings it.