Sunday, February 6, 2011


We have taken four trips around Asia in the past month and a half. We finally made it to the Great Wall, and it is indeed a mighty fine wall! A lovely Chinese family asked to be photographed with us at the top of a particularly steep climb, I think they were fascinated by the fact that I looked like I was on the brink of expiring. Perhaps it was the insane hairdo I've been sporting.

A few months ago I decided to have my hair straightened. Still lacking in Mandarin skills, I had to pantomime what I wanted to the hairstylist, and apparently I am not very good at pantomiming. Rather than communicating that I desired silky straight hair, I asked for highly flammable felted hair. I tried living with hair that resembled a shrunken wool sweater, but I finally ended up with a mannish acrylic fro. It's not a good look, trust me.


Anonymous said...

Bad hair is a challenge , I had a perm in high school that went way wrong from a beauty school, it may be a very similar perspective in the end!!

Anonymous said...

p.s. its only hair!! ;) Diane


Oh my gosh. Hopefully you take a translater the next time you go. Poor least you don't run into too many people you know. Hope everything else is wonderful.

Sarah said...

Oh Linda! I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry. Your description is so funny but I'm sure the reality is frustrating. Maybe bring magazine photos next time?? p.s. if you add gelatin to your smoothies or take prenatal vitamins your hair will grow more quickly! Good luck!

Saucy said...

Well the best thing about hair disasters, it grows back. Eventually... If you were a man you wouldn't even be able to count on that.

PJ Hornberger said...

Linda... I so wanted to see your hair... LOL I did mine green before that was cool or in fashion. Do take a photo... :)

Heather Foust said...

Oh noooo that is such a funny story. Thank you for sharing it. I ran into your blog some how and I love it. All this vintage makes me sooooo happy!!!

Sara's Sweet Surprise said...

Dear Linda~ I've got a favor to ask...I would like to invite you over for a visit to see a very special post I've written. I would love it if you could take a few moments to stop by.
Thank you sweet friend,