This is an assemblage of cake decorations that I put together. I found a wonderful box of old sugar birds and flowers at the Volo Antique Mall. When I was buying these 40(?) year old decorations the cashier told me not to eat them! Really? Can I eat the toy typewriter? I guess I don't look terribly bright.
The doll on the left is by Valerie Weberpal you can check out her other amazing creations at Harvest Moon under my favorites.
Hi Linda ~ thank you for visiting me and leaving a sweet comment! I love the collage and giggled about "not eating the candy." Haha!
I am going to have to pull out my Home Companion magazine now! Whoa hoa being in one of my favs!
Love your collections!!
Your collections are absolutely the BEST!! Your house must be like a Collection museum~ how do you get anything done??
I think I would spend my days wandering(maybe even skipping)from collection to collection happily admiring it all :)
Those decorations are hard to eat when they are fresh! They sure look good, though. I kept trying them as a kid and had the same result every time. Luckily, I didn't chip a tooth. Your collage sure brings back memories!
dont eat the candy? ha..she must not be all that bright :)
I expect Hansel and Gretel to be arriving at your home any day now...your life is so sweet! (No witch residents though -- just a lovely family)
Well, you're just plain mean... it's taken some time for me to reach this harsh conclusion, but the last time I left a comment, you had taunted us with a big, fat, cake.... This time it's cake decorations?! What gives with you?! Are you just sadistic, or whaaaaaa....???? As an added 'insult to injury' category infraction, I had a sip of water in my mouth when I started reading what you had written about the "40 year old decorations and not to eat them...." (as if!) and I SPIT my water all over the keyboard.... I love ya, but you've just GOT to quit torturing me this way ;-)
adorable, from a distance it looks like those easter peeps are on the side of the decorated board. love the chairs on the wall, i have seen that before - too cute!
Mmmmmmmm.....40 year old candy....mmmmmmmm....
The birds look like sugar taxidermy-HA!
Nice collage, love the colors.
Erika funny! I saw this collection in your Home Companion page! Your house and collections are my favorite in that magazine! :)
The sweetest collection! My forever favorite of yours!!
Linda!!! You dazzzzling doll you!!! Oh I am so so excited to have found you here in blogland!! Hooray!! I nearly fell off my chair the day that I had opened my Home Companion and gazed upon your cake decoration shadowbox!! My heart was all a flutter!!! So so so fun!!
I look forward to visiting often!! I love your style/world to bits!!!
Happy Collecting! Happy Blogging!!
love from the Jersey Shore!
xoxo Jenny
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