We recently had a new dishwasher installed and the man who came to install it seemed a bit discombobulated upon entering our kitchen. He scratched his head and looked around at our candy jars filled with candy buttons, Pez, wooden push puppets, ribbon candy, candy necklaces and our rocket man soda bottles, and finally the Lifesaver rack with jars of colorful sugars and vintage cupcake picks. "I don't get it, do you own a store or something?" he asked. He didn't intend on this being a lovely compliment, but I certainly took it that way! I love the look and feeling of an old Five and Dime and he saw the resemblance. I responded with a gushing thank you, and that I did not own a store. He seemed to want to get our dishwasher installed quite quickly, I think I gave him the willies with my enthusiastic response. After 15 minutes of exposing his crack he was gone.
A huge thank you to the lovely and talented Katie Runnels, The Constant Gatherer (Link in my favorites). Katie is a very talented artist with a gorgeous web site and Etsy shop, and she is an amazingly generous person! Katie often highlights the works of other artists on her blog, and I have been lucky enough to have somehow gotten her attention. Thank you so much for the wonderful blog, I have never been so flattered.
Lovely blog! Will check back often!!
Oh that made me laugh, and you don't hear people mention willies much any more~ I loved that too :)
Thanks so much for your comments about my Dad, I really appreciate it.
Wow, your Dad was really young~ but what a nice idea to celebrate his life at that time each year~ I think that's great!
I saw the article on you on Katie Runnels Blog~ how cool! What a great shop name, the constant gatherer...that is a perfect name for people like us who love to collect things that most people would find unlovable.
how funny...i love your display.
Hi Linda,
Thank you so much for your comment about Ribambelles & Ribambins.
So visited your blog straight away. Love this post : "Thanks Dishwasher Guy and Katie Runnels!!!!" So similar to what I hear here in France when people visit. Your display is great !!! You also have the soda rocket bottles.... my summer best find ... except it is too cumbersome for the kitchen.....
I will surely check back !
ps : love you collages !
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