Mr. Man and I have been together since 1981, we were married September 3, 1989. We are celebrating our 19th wedding anniversary on Wednesday! It has always been easy buying, finding or making gifts for each other. Last year Mr. Man gave me the cutest collection of wooden model airplane propellers. I gave Mr. Man a bouquet of old wooden darts with the loveliest feathers. One year Mr. Man had the kids give me pockets full of sea glass they found at the beach, one of my favorite gifts ever. I don't know what Emily Post recommends as the proper 19th anniversary gift, somehow I don't think it's toy sheriff badges. Happy 19th Mr. Man!
***Why am I dressed like Popeye in 1981?
How fun! Happy Anniversary! :0
You're right - toy sheriff badges are for the 18th anniversary, not the 17th. :)
You were clearly in your Gilbert and Sullivan phase! I love it!
That's cute, my husband absolutely HATES it when I squeeze his face like that! It reminds him of a schoolteacher, when he was about 10, who did that to him! :D
Happy anniversary.
I just had to make a big change to this blog, I wished Gar a happy 17th anniversary and he pointed out that it was 19 years! OOps, the math skills are going quickly. 17 sounded like a lot, 19 makes us freaks!
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Linda and Gar! Have a great time. xoxo
Thanks for clarifying the year thing! I noticed but didn't want to ask. I worried that there might have been a little "break" in there somewhere. :) And I was seriously impressed that you reached your 19th, and then I just realized that my hub and I celebrate our 19th in December (I keep checking my math to see if that could possibly be right)! Jeez, I guess we'll be joining your Freak Club.
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