Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Latest Stuff

I used vintage baby clothes in these collages, the fabric is so translucent it reminds me of the tissue used in pattern making. It is hard to see the details, but I also used wee little buttons as polka dots. My photos are so bad, I should have my kids photograph them.


Katie Runnels said...

Love the polka dots!! These are wonderful! xoxo

farmerjulie said...

oh Linda! these are so fantastic! love them!!

Lola Enchanted said...

Very cute!

Anonymous said...

Oh how sweet. I adore these.

superbadfriend said...

OMGOOODNESS. These are precious LINDA!!!


Cathy ~ Tadpoles and Teacups said...

Cool collages! (I stumbled by your blog through Sweet B's.)
Enjoyed my visit~
Cathy said...

Those are so sweet. What a way to keep a special memory. I love the polka dots. Great work. Now to see everything else. What a treat! thanks, PJ

Anonymous said...

Linda, the latest collages are truly wonderful! They really let you 'feel' that whole childhood sweetness, and the tissue thin dresses are darling. Makes me think how 'simple' things seemed at that time (but then when we were young and being taken care of, why wouldn't we feel free of worries?! Bet our moms didn't think it was all so 'simple' then...) You are so talented and they are really, really beautiful!