Michelle Mayer passed away on Saturday, October 11th at 3:30pm. My deepest sympathy to her two children and her husband, Bill. She was so very generous in sharing her life with the world and teaching us how to live and die with grace.
I feel silly mourning for someone I never met ... but Michelle had an amazing knack for writing with honesty and making you feel like an intimate friend. I learned so much from her, and she was so very, very alive. We should all be so lucky.
I can't thank you enough for allowing those of us who would never have found Michelle's amazing blog the chance to read her words. I wish we could have collectively shouldered some of her discomfort, taken away some of the pain her family and friends have endured for loving her... I am relieved for her body to be free of this life, but miserably sad for her spirit that we will miss and the family she leaves behind. Thank you Linda. I have to be honest and say I read one entry on a day when I was feeling particularly sorry for myself and instantly felt a giant fool. Some of the greatest teachers in life walk among us.... GIANTS. Michelle was one. You are another. Blessings to her family in their sorrow. xoxo Karen
Just wanted to thank you for sharing Michelle's blog. I had been reading it and read it again Friday night and couldn't bring myself to check on her the last couple of days. It would be hard for anyone not to be touched by her beautiful honesty and courage. Marsha
I found Michelle's Blog from your last post...Wow that was a tough read. The post she wrote about trying to explain to her son about dying was so unbelievably sad~ it's just amazing how she was able to talk about what she was going through & comfort her family. I'm so sad for her children, my kids lost their Dad when they were about the same age as hers~ so I know what they have to face. Even though she handled it all so well, there will always be a hole in their hearts from the loss of their mother. Gosh, I just want to crawl back in bed and cry!!
I feel silly mourning for someone I never met ... but Michelle had an amazing knack for writing with honesty and making you feel like an intimate friend. I learned so much from her, and she was so very, very alive. We should all be so lucky.
so sad. thank you for showing me her blog..
I can't thank you enough for allowing those of us who would never have found Michelle's amazing blog the chance to read her words. I wish we could have collectively shouldered some of her discomfort, taken away some of the pain her family and friends have endured for loving her... I am relieved for her body to be free of this life, but miserably sad for her spirit that we will miss and the family she leaves behind. Thank you Linda. I have to be honest and say I read one entry on a day when I was feeling particularly sorry for myself and instantly felt a giant fool. Some of the greatest teachers in life walk among us.... GIANTS. Michelle was one. You are another.
Blessings to her family in their sorrow.
Just wanted to thank you for sharing Michelle's blog. I had been reading it and read it again Friday night and couldn't bring myself to check on her the last couple of days. It would be hard for anyone not to be touched by her beautiful honesty and courage.
I found Michelle's Blog from your last post...Wow that was a tough read. The post she wrote about trying to explain to her son about dying was so unbelievably sad~ it's just amazing how she was able to talk about what she was going through & comfort her family. I'm so sad for her children, my kids lost their Dad when they were about the same age as hers~ so I know what they have to face. Even though she handled it all so well, there will always be a hole in their hearts from the loss of their mother.
Gosh, I just want to crawl back in bed and cry!!
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