Pottery Barn Teens
My dear friend Lynne is giving her daughter the most amazing birthday gift today. Her daughter left for school at 7:ooam this morning, and by 7:30am her bedroom was emptied of furniture and inhabited by painters!
Lynne is secretly making over Rachel's room in to a sophisticated retreat while she is at school. She surreptitiously has been gathering Rachel's color and design preferences, and plans a huge "While You Were Out" type surprise after school. Isn't that the coolest idea?
Lynne is secretly making over Rachel's room in to a sophisticated retreat while she is at school. She surreptitiously has been gathering Rachel's color and design preferences, and plans a huge "While You Were Out" type surprise after school. Isn't that the coolest idea?
Will she adopt me?
What a thoughtful gift. Will you be able to share pics or at least describe the end results? Ah, so inspiring. Thanks Linda.
How fun is THAT!!! What a great idea for a birthday surprise!
And that is a lovely armoire up there too!
Love that phone and the armoire.
Beyond cool, it is simply a wonderful idea! I hope she lets you post pictures of it, I think everyone would love to see the finished product. Pottery Barn Teens has some pretty juicy pieces, even for those of us above the age of 19.
If anyone could make that lamp, it would be you my friend.
Love the wardrobe! I have one that I was going to throw out, but with a lick of paint...
What a grand present! I heart that phone. Lucky girl, clever mom!
That's an amazing gift! Lucky girl.
I love that lamp.
The birthday girl arrived home from school exhausted (undoubtedly from schlepping the forty lb. book bag all day) and unwilling to discuss her day (as usual) as she slumped into the sofa and took control of the remote. . . after some down time, I took the remote and started channel surfing while inquiring if she had ever seen the show "While You Were Away". Perhaps the dustbunnies in my hair and the fact that I was still out of breath were a dead giveaway, but she suddenly looked up and asked what I had been up to all day. She ran around the 1st floor and upon seeing nothing unusual, rocketed upstairs. Within seconds, I heard shouts of glee and enough "OMGs" for an entire teenage chorus. It really was fun (especially since I was completely on board with the pale pink and sage green vintage style look she wanted). Benjamin Moore Shell Pink is perfect, with my old sage green secretary, a garbage day headboard find, Shabby Chic from Target linens and valance and a great nightstand from Home Goods. Some floral fabric covered storage boxes and a lovely gold and alabaster tulip lamp from my mother (buried in the basement) and voila! It was such a fun day and a present she'll always remember. I highly recommend it! Linda's suggestion to add fresh roses to the nightstand was the icing on the cake!
Sounds beautiful Lynne, can't wait to see it!
I love the idea !
I'm looking at your blog, so much nice things here :-)
Thanks for sharing Lynne
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