Playing with Pictures: The Art of Victorian Photocollage (Art Institute of Chicago)- Elizabeth Siege

The Marvelous Album of Madame B: Being the Handiwork of a Victorian Lady of Considerable Talent- Elizabeth Siege
The Art of Victorian Photocollage
The Art Institute of Chicago
October 10, 2009- January 3, 2010
The Art Institute of Chicago will be opening the most wonderful exhibit on the Victorian art of photocollage. Victorian women in the 1850s and1860s began experimenting with collage for their scrapbooks and photo albums. " The compositions they made with photographs and watercolors are whimsical and fantastical, combining human heads and animal bodies, placing people into imaginary landscapes, and morphing faces into common household objects. "
oh, i love it Linda! thanks!
Did you ever see the one my great-grandmother made? Its not as fancy- but its sweet and uses photos, birds scraps and pressed leaves. I'll have to send you the photo. xoxo
You will remind us again, won't you? I have a mind that is as small as a knat's! That is how you spell knat, isn't it? I told ya!
They were doing it way back then. Sigh. Makes you wonder if we ever have an original idea. Great imagination these ladies had.
It's gnat, Joan. I know because I have a house in the gnat capitol of the world. St. Marys, GA where they will eat you alive on those gnatty days. Hi Linda!
Wow, can't make it to the exhibit but those books are going on my wish list for sure!! Thanks for posting, I probably never would have stumbled across this on my own.
Wonder if they put wings on things and party hats and crowns . . . maybe that is where it all started with that! A lovely post. Wish I could see the exhibit.
Oh how I would love to see this exhibit! Thanks for sharing the book cover as this is as close as I will get. There are too many distractions in a day, don't you know.
Very nice, Linda. Thanks for sharing.
oooh, another reason I need to come downtown besides shopping...thanks for letting me know...
Hi Linda,
I wanted to comment on each of your last 3 posts but that seemed silly so I'll just to it on this one.
Would love to attend the collage exhibit but since most of us won't I hope they let you take many pictures. I fell in love with the pictures so far.
On the crackerjack charms. I bought some last year at Brimfield and so did Laura(52 flea)and when I came home with them I thought "why did I buy these?" Now I know why! thank you!
And last but not least....you have to go see "Julie and Julia" You will love it. I got a chuckle when I saw Boeuf Bourguigon...did I spell that right??? too many vowels.
Linda, Hope you can make it to the Mary Engelbreit Home Companion Workshops next spring in St. Louis.
I am hoping to attend. I look forward to seeing you and Kathy again. Did you see your photos at the bottom of my bog?
Yes, that was such a fun shoot.
Thank you for sharing. Just created a new blog about collages. I would be so happy to show one of yours :-)
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