I saw on facebook that my pal Jennifer McGlon had posted a picture of what may be the cutest bicycle I have ever seen! I would ride this down the middle of our farmer's market and have the vendors toss their produce right into the big tub.
Check out more cute bikes at Madsen Cycles.com

OOOOOOOOH! I could totally see you riding around on that. I lurves it. :)
They gave away one of those bad boys a while back. You just had to post a link to the contest on your sidebar for a chance to win! I could totally see you on that with the tub overflowing with fresh flowers and French bread... ahh...
How cool is that! It's the first I've seen of one. You could do so much with a bike like that~ run to the grocery store, ride your kid to school(before they're old enough to know it's not cool). I ♥ it!!
That is painfully cute. I LUFF it!
I saw this bike last week at another blog and was intrigued. I thought the same thing about riding around the flea market with all my finds thrown in the back. What fun!
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