A certain anonymous offspring has started her very own blog, Lulu Pictlast's Guide To High School. I have enjoyed the two posts she has written so far, one is about being picked last for teams in gym. Can you believe they still do that? I thought that only existed in teen angst films. I can't wait for her do more posts, I just hope she doesn't do too many about her kooky family.
I, for one, am off to read and subscribe right away... that is... if old fogeys are allowed! If anyone can pull this off, Miss Lulu can!
I think she should be played in the movie version by Rachel Bilson, who has almost as fabulous fashion sense as the Baby Blogger herself!
Go Lulu!
I'm off to see her!
Good for her! Going to link through now!
well!, the apple don't fall far from the tree! her writing is fantastic! i love the insider tidbits we get about your family life...my fave so far is the gagging on kale juice! You try so hard, darn it! xoxo
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