This morning I made lunches for the kids, drove them to school and went to four church rummage sales. I was back home by 9:30 am. I know you are thinking, wow Linda, a lesser person would be dead! This is just a portion of the loot I picked up. I found loads of pendants and charms for my charm bracelet assemblages and I uncovered the most amazing scrapbook from the 1930s.
Have a wonderful weekend!
P.S. Lulu tried to convince me that she wasn't feeling well enough for school today, no fever, cough, soar throat. She needed to produce an internal organ in order to stay home, she couldn't so I sent her to school. The child has moxie given
her blog post today!
I am the lesser person...I only did 3 of the sales and I am dead...I needed some stuff for my Halloween display and I found most of what i needed so it was a success..didn't have enough left to go to number 4. It is always fun to see you IN PERSON even though it was hi and bye while running for treasures.
I went to one this morning and was back home by 8. Small town with little options. Next weekend bigger city here I come .... again.
I turn into the energizer bunny at these kind of events!!!! Great stuff, Linda!!
Hi. I odn't know if you accept awards or not but I have given you one. Come on over to see the details.
Oh WOW, this is a great post & you have the most gorgeous site here. I had to stop by to leave this comment for you – and to say hello of course ! Your posts are creative and original and you have interesting pictures. It's all perfect ! Thank you for sharing your site and best wishes....
You ARE accomplished to do all that in such a short time!
Hello Linda,
These carrots are too cute!
~ Gabriela ~
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