Monday, October 10, 2011

2am vs. 2pm

 Broken porcelain reused for this temple decoration.
 The weekend market in Bangkok, Thailand

We just returned from a trip to Bangkok, Thailand.  After seeing the mosaics at the spectacular temples in Bangkok, I now want to cover everything in colorful mosaics. I also did a fair amount of damage at the markets, they have the most excellent junk.
Sadly, our trip ended on a rather sour note, namely my sobbing like a baby in a bathroom at the Hong Kong airport. I won't bore you with the details, I'll just give you the low points. We thought we were two hours early for our 2pm flight from Bangkok to Shanghai. We were actually 12 hours late for our 2am flight. Who flies at 2am? Everything was sold out to Shanghai, so we flew to Hong Kong. We missed our connecting flights, I cried like a baby, we bought 12 one way tickets for four people. The worst part of this ordeal was the flight attendants storing my new pink carry-on case in the bathroom of the plane. Anyone want a pink carry-on case covered in funk?


Emily said...

Talk about high points and low points of a trip!! I am tired just thinking about it! So sorry...but your pictures of Thailand look fab..I am imagining all the treasures you are finding along your travels...XO

Gabriela Delworth - Adult Learning & Development said...

Hello Linda,

Love these photos. I am sure you had a fabulous trip!


Linda Summerfield said...

Thanks ladies for your nice comments!

Anonymous said...

What a kick in the teeth!
I like that mosaic out of old porcelain.

Sara's Sweet Surprise said...

Hello Linda~I'm b-a-c-k to makin' my visits (finally)! I just wanted to take a minute at this season of renewed hope and gratitude to personally thank you for your visits and kind words, especially with the loss of my kitty Angel. I wish I could convey to you how much your continued friendship means to me. You're always so generous to share a big part of your hearts passion through your wonderful posts. I look forward to each and every visit. I've no doubt there's more fun in store for us on this blogging journey.
I hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving surrounded with family and friends in celebration of all life's blessings.

Sweet Wishes,