Sunday, September 7, 2008

Carmel Apples

I love having a carmel apple decorating party! It's a chance for me to pull out my vintage apron collection and let everyone make a giant mess. The trick is to have twice as much carmel as you think you'll need and three times as much candy and nuts as you'll need. If the weather allows, it is so wonderful having this party outside and the carmel can drip everywhere. Have plenty of cider and salty snacks to balance all the sweet stuff that never makes it on the apples. The only draw back is the occasional bee that gets stuck to the carmel.


Attic Rat said...

Wonderful! What time should I be there? LOL.

Melissa Valeriote said...

Oh what fun!!! I LOVE carmel apples.

Lani Robertson said...

save an apple for me! yummy! :0

Sarah said...

Hands-down my favorite fall food. Great party idea! I think you'll have many copiers...

superbadfriend said...

I've never made those before!!! What a clever idea and such loverly photos.
