Friday, September 12, 2008

Push Puppets

This is our wooden push puppet collection, we keep them in large apothecary jars in the kitchen. We collected vintage and new puppets and they are always very inexpensive. We have stopped adding to this collection because the kids are getting too old to play with them. I have used them to decorate tables during birthday parties, they look great and young and old guests enjoy them.


Lani Robertson said...

yet another great collection! :) i love the felix puppet.

Linda Summerfield said...

Thanks Lani!

mayaluna said...

Love all of your collections, this one is no exception. I remember these from when I was little. My mother collects vintage toys and I'm sure she has some of these in her mas table decoration for parties. I might need to raid her stash for my 3 year old's next party.
p.s. sorry about your tomatoes...I left a response on that post> Have a great weekend...hope you find some great treasures!

mayaluna said...

Wow, not sure what crazy button I pushed that did that botched should have read: My mother collects vintage toys and I'm sure she has some of these in her barn. I love the idea of using them for table decoration for parties...
Once again..have a great weekend! said...

That's such a great idea! I love those little guys!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Felix and your delightful collection... how can you NOT smile, NOT be happy, NOT be swept up in a rush of childhood memories while looking at this collection of youth?! How fabulous!
(By the way, just so you understand ... okay maybe only a little bit....what's wrong with me, the first time I saw color t.v. what was showing was FELIX.... he's black and white!!! I thought my Dad had lost his mind and bought another black and white t.v. by mistake! And, to top it all off, I had gotten so used to Perry Mason, Lucy and all that in b & W that I hated it when it came in color!)

Melissa Valeriote said...

What a coincidence...I use to collect these guys as well. They are all in boxes now. I just might have to pull them out just for fun!

Patience_Crabstick said...

I love push puppets. That is a fabulous collection.

Kristen said...

You are the Queen of the BEST collections!! I forgot all about push puppets...I loved those :)

Becky Brown said...

What a great decorating idea! I love how you take items that seem rather pedestrian and showcase their fabulousity (yeah, it's totally a word) in new, interesting ways.

farmerjulie said...

i have some of those, but they are scattered everywhere. time to organize, then i would have a collection. i may copy you and take some shots of my collections!!

Anonymous said...

I'm a collector off these puppets! Do you have by chanche any doubles? For swapping? Or do you like to do something with them?
I'm interrested!!
Greetings from our windmills and wooden shoes!!
Rike Platenkamp,
The Netherlands.

Linda Summerfield said...

Dear Rike,
Why don't you email me?
