Monday, October 13, 2008

Gum Wrapper Garland

Click on photo for a better view

I found this gum wrapper garland yesterday at the Volo Antique Mall. It is so colorful and I marvel at how long this must have taken to make, not to mention the amount of gum they had to chew! I hate the saying "trash to treasure", but if anything ever deserved that label this gum wrapper garland would.


Anonymous said...

That was truly for sale? Wow.

Lani Robertson said...

wowee...that would take forever to make! :)

farmerjulie said...

i use to make that. I forgot how to though. I think i was in the 4th grade. very cool Linda!

JB said...

Ooooh - really cute! You should do a candy tree for Christmas!!

(I have one - never have to remove the ornaments - they are all eaten by the time Christmas is over!)

-Sweet B

Sweet B Folkart said...

Hey Linda - that last comment was from me! - sweet B.

I was helping my lil bro with his blog and forgot to sign out.


Sweet B

Attic Rat said...

I used to make these when I was in Junior High. Cool! said...

Oh, it's wonderful! It would truly be wonderful on an ugly Christmas tree... I haven't seen any of that in a long time. What a treat. Linda, you are just too good! You've got to be the Queen of Shoppers! xo PJ

C.E.R. said...

I still have a "matching" necklace, bracelet, and ring. Oh the memories.

Saucy said...

I've never seen a gum wrapper garland! That's a new one for me.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, I have one of the gum wrapper garlands and I stare at it sometimes in my studio and wonder 'what the heck...?" and then smile to myself and think how wonderfully nutty it is!!! Can you BEAT a piece of 'tramp art' made from gum wrappers?! I mean the bottle cap door mats aren't even this great... Your's is lovely, as wrapper garlands go. "Beauty is in...." well, you know the rest. It's our motto, right?!
Thought I was QuirkyGirl, but it's really LindaQuirkyGirl ;-)