Neither snow nor rain nor heat of day nor gloom of night shall stay these couriers (or flea marketers) from the swift completion of their appointed rounds. A foot of snow fell on our area yesterday and we are still going to brave the Lake County flea market today. I am on a mission to find material and ephemera for making Valentines. I am hoping we will make it through the day without frostbite, it makes it so much harder to carry loads of purchases once your skin freezes.
You are one brave (crazy?) snow bunny, Miss Linda... What WOULD your mother say?! I could send you some V Day ephemera, and save you the chills.... Actually, I am so sorry for your incredible weather, having come through a really odd Christmas here with snow on the ground. Sometimes a girl just feels 'cooped up' and the need to "junk" is irrisistable! So, go forth, oh Queen of the Find! And make us all proud....
You will post pictures of your haul, so we can drool right?
I scored some amazing finds! Lots of vintage Valentine cards for a buck, paper dolls, and photos of super unattractive couples! I will show photos.
Can't wait to see the loot! ~Lori
Ha Ha...I'd do the same if we had snow! Can't wait to see what you found :)
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