Sunday, January 4, 2009


Create something...


Eat healthy and...

exercise, exercise, exercise.
What's your resolution?


Kristen said...

I like your Resolutions...those should be mine too! I'm really trying to work on the whole exercising thing :)

Anonymous said...

Yes : these should be mine as well.
Happy new year!

Rebecca Ramsey said...

LOVE the photos!
I'm going to weigh myself every day, so that at least I know in what direction I'm going. Creating is good too! I think that whenever I create anything it re-powers creativity in all areas of my life. So I'll add your resolution to mine!
Thanks Linda!

superbadfriend said...

here's to your resolutions!

happy new year!!! xoxo

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Ditto on the resolutions! I am really cutting back on calories, especially after having seen photos taken of me at Christmas! Yikes! I am usually behind the one behind the camera but not this year.

Great photos! I think I may hang a few on my fridge!\


Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Ditto on the resolutions! I am really cutting back on calories, especially after having seen photos taken of me at Christmas! Yikes! I am usually behind the one behind the camera but not this year.

Great photos! I think I may hang a few on my fridge!\


Lisa Cook said...

Where did you find this picture of me in my Phy. Ed. outfit?? I kid you not. Seriously, we had to wear wrinkly red one piece uglies just like these.
You have the greatest old photos on your blog!