"Enchanted April tells the story of four dissimilar women in post-war England who leave their damp and rainy environs to go on a holiday to a secluded coastal villa in Italy. Two women who belong to the same ladies' club but have never spoken, become acquainted after reading an ad for villas for rent in the local paper. They find two other ladies to help share expenses. The four women come together at the Villa and find rejuvenation in the tranquil beauty of their surroundings, rediscovering hope and love"

I love the film Enchanted April. It's always a little dangerous for me to watch it, because I start Googling vacation rentals in Tuscany and I try cutting my hair in a bob with craft scissors. I plan on hiding all sharp instruments and spending some time with these lovely ladies on their Italian holiday.
I have never seen this movie. Thanks for the tip - I could use some enchantment right now!
I love this movie too. I've seen it a couple of times. I need to get it from Netflix and whatch it again. Thanks for the reminder.
Okay Linda, this is too much. First you like Pez dispensers and Home Companion and now Enchanted April?! It's one of my favorite books of all time! I've never seen the movie, but I absolutely adore the story.
In fact I think I'll read it yet again!
The story line sounds like one I would like to live...right now.
It sounds right up my street - I love watching films...pure escapism for a couple of hours - thanks honey xx
I think I have an earlier version of this movie on DVD but I haven't watched it yet...
I have the same problem- I always want to live out the movies I watch. I just saw Captain January two weeks ago and signed up for a lighthouse sale newsletter...
Ok stay away from the scissors......I love the movie Under the Tuscan Sun too...........Italy it really is dreamy..............someday ...........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I LOVE Enchanted April and tried to watch it the other day but my copy is really messed up so will have to rent it again from Netflix. I too desire the hair of Polly Walker but after several attempts I have finally accepted that my hair is not right for that cut... I had no idea it was based on a book!
I've not seen this movie as of yet, but have visited many bloggers who have commented on how much they've liked it too. I need to see if I can get through our video store. It sounds like it will inspire me for a new doo.
My laptop has been out of commission. I had to wait for my son to fix it. Which took him all of five minutes! I waited several days for that quick fix. Somehow my Hubs and son's didn't see the urgency in fixing it for my blogging needs. Go figure.
Sweet Wishes,
I love that movie! The book it's based on is good too. I wish I could remember the author. We'll be in Rome for two weeks, but it will be June and we're staying in the middle of the city so it won't be very Enchanted-April like.
I wonder if this was the basis for "Under the Tuscan Sun" a few years back starring Diane Lane... some details are different but the jist is the same. I think this one is likely better.
I wonder if this was the basis for "Under the Tuscan Sun" a few years back starring Diane Lane... some details are different but the jist is the same. I think this one is likely better.
Is this Sofia?
~ Gabriela ~
I love this movie--okay, here I go to watch it and dream a little...
Enchanted April totall stomps Under the Tuscan Sun. *haha!* I have been waiting for ages to buy a copy of this but the DVD is unavailable on amazon...anyone have a resource? It is one of my all-time favorites!! Good pick!!
This is a GREAT movie and I appreciate the reminder. It's that time of year to start dreaming of spring and summer again. This movie is the perfect way to get in that mood.
Take care!
That looks like the sort of movie that will send the rest of the family running, but they've been watching Indiana Jones for three days straight so it's my turn :)
I would love to go to Tuscany with you! The movie is great and I had the pleasure of costuming this great play at my local theatre.
One of my favorites!!!!
Looks divine!!! Going over to add it to my Netflix queue.
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