We have been waiting for such a long time for pleasant weather to return to Chicago. It seems like we have had snow on the ground since early November.

I was so inspired yesterday that I painted our powder room a very springy green color. Today, I have decided that it is a hideous color of green and it looks terrible with the french limestone. I don't mind, maybe robin's egg blue today.
And that is why paint is the very best invention ever! Don't like it? Paint it again! I'm so glad a hint of spring has made it your way.
Being from the South that is still cold to me. Today we may get up to 70 and I am soooooo ready for it. I feel like I need to sit outside and get a few rays of sunshine. I think it will help my disposition a lot.
I've had birds at our feeders lately and it does make me smile--these are long days, the end of winter.
I love robin's egg blue.
lovely post--- I feel exactly the same way! in NJ though, we've had the bitter cold without the benefit of pretty white snow. I can't wait to hear birds chirping again (although the sound of lawn mowers is sure to bug me)
powder blue sounds pretty-- mine is powder blue right now, but I'm gearing up for a creamsicle orange makeover :)
I love green so it's hard to imagine it doesn't work...but robin's egg blue is so pretty, too! You are certainly making the most of your burst of energy :)
If my house is still standing hundreds of years from now, they'll wonder what kind of woman put so many layers of paint in her bathroom!
I LOVE to repaint!
(Well I don't love the actual painting part--just the end result!)
Dear friend,
Robin's egg blue sounds very springy and au Francias. Up here it is -28 and spring feels like a pipe dream.
Your comment on my blog today just made me laugh and laugh and laugh, you are the funniest person I know.
*grin* Don't forget, though ... we have to see if March comes in like a lion or a lamb!
Yeah for you!!! A HEAT WAVE~~~~~
Woohoo!!! We woke up to a dusting of snow here yesterday that melted away but left us with a chilly wind in it's place... nothing like what you've been through! Enjoy the relative 'warm' and have a great weekend (in the sun?!)
P.S. Your shrine is smashing... a perfectly feathered abode.
I am tired of winter. I can see how green could sneak in on you :)!
So glad to hear others are feeling the same.
Snow and cold here. While it is lovely, I'm ready to move on.
I have an overwhelming desire to drive south until I find warmth and green grass, but I think the drive would be long and I won't be back in time for supper...
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