Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Alain Pauzié

Alain Pauzié

Alain Pauzé

Alain Pauzié, born 9/28/ 1936

Alain is a wonderful French artist, and perhaps my father's dearest friend. My father and Alain shared a passion for playing rugby, and worked together at the Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique. Over the years Alain sent my father the most wonderfully illustrated envelopes, you can see some of Alain's mail art at the Musée de la Poste in Paris.
Alain became friends with Jean Dubuffet ,with whom he corresponded for many years, and Alain published a book of their
letters in 1995. The illustrated envelopes are exhibited in the Collection Neuve Invention of Lausanne.


Rebecca Ramsey said...

Wow! His work is fascinating! How cool to have him as part of your family's life!

LiLi M. said...

What a privilege to know such an artist and even better have some of his work!

superbadfriend said...

Oh wowowowowow. These are stunning.

AND Dubuffet. *heart*

Coco said...

The envelope at the top is my fav. How nice to have inspiration like this around when you were growing up.


Anonymous said...

I've never heard of him--but wow!

Gabriela said...

Hello Linda,

This is fabulous!

~ Gabriela ~

summer said...

Love Lulu & Deke to pieces--you too. Your W.S.

Unknown said...

Linda, my father (Robert Kline) also played rugby with Alain Pauzie. We stayed with Alain and his family in the 70's when my dad was playing rugby there. Later, the Pauzie's visited us in Norwalk Ohio where Alain hand drew a mural on both walls of the stairway to the third floor of our house. I still have a pile of his artwork. He is an amazing artist. I found your site here through a Google search on Alain's name.

Mike Kline

Unknown said...

Linda, if you father was George Summerfield, then I knew him as well. My dad and he were on the same rugby team, and we went on the trip to Europe with him.