Monday, May 11, 2009

Eating On The Ground

Some pics from my dinner party in the grass.


Coco said...

How lovely. Thank you for showing us.

Anonymous said...

So sweet! You must have had so much fun :)

Your picnic posts have me in the mood for one, but I need to keep reminding myself of how much I loathe ants & bees!

debra@dustjacket said...

So inspiring, thankyou :)

Carolee said...

What fun! I love picnics, and it's almost warm enough....Thanks for sharing the photos. :)

caren said...

Wow! Sounds like a fantastic time. Wish I was there - the food looks yummy!

Rebecca Ramsey said...

Wow. Your style is so impressive. How beautiful!

C.E.R. said...

Those pillows! Those red goblets! I'm drooling. ;)

noodle and lou said...

Absolutely deeeelightful Linda!!

Anonymous said...

I like to feed my tribe outside too--it's great ambiance and less to clean up!

Maija said...

I LOVE my Bento's!!

Saucy said...

It looks magical, Moroccan, and mystical. Lulu looks lovely. I would love to throw a party like this, but alas, no grass.

A party "on cement" is not nearly as charming.