Saturday, August 8, 2009

Architectural Artifacts (Paradise)

Beautiful Colors
Industrial springs, $2.00

"Cici n'est pas une pipe"
Giant pipe from a tobacco shop

Stuart Grannen, Owner and nice guy!
Imagine 80,000 square feet of the coolest, most beautiful one of a kind treasures, inside the most aesthetically pleasing space. Two of my dearest friends treated me to a wonderful day of treasure hunting and lunch, and I discovered my new favorite place in the world! Stuart Grannen was ahead of his time when he started his business, Architectural Artifacts over twenty years ago. This enormous shop is brimming with architecturally significant pieces that have been rescued from the wrecking ball, signs, furniture and funky things you will feel compelled to take home. I can't wait to return to my new favorite place.


LiLi M. said...

Thanks for giving us the link. I love their stuff, though a little expensive. Mmmm shipping costs would be way too much anyhow, so this is better to me.
Have a great day!

Linda Summerfield said...

They do actually have some very affordable pieces. I just happened to highlight my favorite things, and sadly they exceed my budget.
Your Pal,

superbadfriend said...

OOH! I thought you knew about AA. It's down the street from my studio on Ravenswood. Let me know next time you come. There's a Metra stop on Wilson just a few blocks north and lot's of places to dine. xo :)

Joan@anythinsggoeshere said...

I love the table with the attached chairs. I used to go there at lunch when I worked in the neighborhood back in the day!

Coco said...

My kind of place.

Anonymous said...

That's got to be heaven. I could spend days in there. What a treat! Love those springs...

Rebecca Ramsey said...

I want to go! It looks amazing! Thanks for sharing it with us.

Barbara Johansen Newman said...

OOOH...sure wish I lived close to this place! I'd never come out.

noodle and lou said...

holy mamma...LOVE it!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow--I like this stuff a lot. Those old card catalog drawers--I covet them.

Nancy Baumiller said...

Love the catalog drawers..wouldn't they be fun to fill with treasures! Love your blog I could just eat it up!! Yum!

Sandy and Joe/rhubarb reign said...

Hi Linda. I love Architectural Artifacts -- it's like a big messy museum, but all the stuff's for sale. Haven't been there in an age, though. Was thinking of you Sunday at GL -- talking to one of your friends about your New York adventures. Should have thought to ask her name...come see us at Lake Forest next month so we can hear about the shopping (errr, "trip") in person. (: xo

farmhouse wares said...

I just came across your wonderful blog. I can't stop smiling about the little people image in your header. Brilliant!