Thursday, August 27, 2009

Midnight Sun

There is the loveliest Swedish antique shop just north of Chicago called Midnight Sun. I have yet to leave this shop without being inspired to paint everything I own light blue, white or grey.


Ronnie said...

I love it when you go shopping.

Joan@anythinsggoeshere said...

You were in my old neighborhood. She was such a good neighbor too. I haven't seen her recently shopping at the fleas! Love everything she does! xo Joan

Anonymous said...

That look is so soothing, isn't it?

Sandy and Joe/rhubarb reign said...

Hey Linda! Sorry, I'm forever commenting on old posts, but I can't wait for the photocollage exhibit. I saw it written up in Newsweek a while back. Maybe I can go over Christmas....Love the Swedish furniture, too. xo

Cute Beams said...

MMMM, I am going to get some gray paint and start painting! Thanks for sharing the inspiration!

Saucy said...

Just how north of Chicago, exactly?

I know what you mean about the colour palate of those Swedes. I've said it before and I'll say it again, those damned Swedes.

Gabriela said...

Hello Linda,

Love all these finds!

~ Gabriela ~

Attic Rat said...

Stopping by your blog is always a treat!

Great big smiles,

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

I LOVE the swedish look. Have you visited the blog Min Lil Veranda? It is on my blog roll. From there you can link to all kinds of similarly decorated homes. If I could, I'd do my whole house in these colors - love them!

have a sweet day, Linda.

Anita said...

Wow-thanks for taking me shopping...I'm thinking how to work a little of that into my normally colorful bright house....