This is my favorite time to dine outside, the weather is cool and there are barely any bugs to contend with. I'm not sure I would pop plastic spiders in my soup as a garnish again, but those were the only bugs at this dinner! My family loves butternut squash soup and it is the perfect Fall food.
Spooky. I can just picture all of you out there with your blankies on...come by and see my Witches' Thread.
Buddy Budderson lurrves some butternut squash soup... but those spiders! Linda!! I think I just had a stroke.
So glad I found your site. I somehow stumbled upon it while searching the web. I too live in the Chicago area. Nice to meet another Chicago blogger! lovely site. what is your etsy shop name? have a great day.
I'd rather fight a chill in the air then a bunch of bugs at my picnic any day of the year!! Love the spiders!! : )
~ Wendy
I am digging the crazy wire dome! I love it! Fanstastic!
I don't like to share my picnic with bugs unless they are the plastic variety. LOL
hey, Linda, come see the giveaway on my blog...add some bling to your baubles! xoC
Hello Linda,
Spider soup! How cool is that!
~ Gabriela ~
You won my giveaway! Please send your mailing address to me at juliefillo@hotmail.com
Mmmmmmmm - looks delicious! :)
~ Carolee
OOOOOOOOOOH. That looks yummy, Linda. :) xoxo
Your table belongs in a magazine!
I second that! You should do some freelance styling in your SPARE time- mwah-ha-ha! Now you got me all razzed up about butternut squash! Its been so hot here...I needed the inspiration! xoxo
that looks so good..love the spiders. never made it before..
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