Monday, November 17, 2008

The Beatles

One of my all time best finds was this 1964 Milton Bradley game "The Beatles Flip Your Wig". I bought the game for just .25 cents when I was in college!!! Gray and I went to a library book sale and they were selling old board games for a quarter each, I was so excited to get the Beatles game that I didn't bother to see what else they had. I keep the game pieces in our church bulletin board in the family room.


Rebecca Ramsey said...

What a cool treasure! How awesome! I would have to pause to look at it every time I walked by!

Adrienne said...

That is so cool! It looks vaguely familiar, too - I may have seen that one when I was little.

Anonymous said...

A great treasure! I had a Barbie game--where she gets ready for prom. I miss it.

KitschKrafts said...

I have some Beatles Trading cards that were in some of my mom's old junk from high school. I have always wondered if they are worth anything...even though I don't think I could get rid of them. They are so fun to look at.