A newly restored Jens Jensen Park with a council ring and reflecting pool. We pass this everyday on our way to school!

Danish born, American landscape architect Jens Jensen 1860-1951. Jensen was one of the founders of the early conservation movement, and believed in using native plants.

Julius Rosenwald's Estate
now Rosewood Park and Beach

Overlooking Rosewood beach on Lake Michigan
This is where all of my sea glass comes from!

Jens Jensen's stone river leading to a reflecting pool

We are so lucky in my neighborhood to have so many wonderful examples of Jens Jensen's prairie style, native gardens and parks. Jensen designed the grounds for the estate of Julius Rosenwald
. It was purchased from the Rosenwald family and the estate was later torn down. The reflecting pool and surroundings at Upper Rosewood is what remains of his work.
The fountain is so pretty. What a nice thing to see twice a day. A treat. The leaves are the treat! What color. Have a great day.~PJ
That's beautiful. I've seen his name around, thank you for the history lesson.
Gorgeous but my question is how would sea glass get in that area? Is there sea glass in Lake Michigan? Who knew?
Yes, there is sea glass in Lake Michigan. I think any body of water that is used by people, has been polluted by them. Bad for the environment, good for sea glass collectors.
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