The fairy door at Red Shoes, notice the store hours on the little door!

I had to save room for my children to ride in the car so I was limited to these wonderful treasures. I could have taken two of everything!!!

The lovely Catherine, owner of Red Shoes
We were so lucky to stop in Ann Arbor on Wednesday and meet Catherine Thursby, the owner of
Red Shoes. She has one of the loveliest shops I have ever seen! The entire store is a source of inspiration, wonderful displays, beautiful wall colors and the most amazing stock! It is one of those special places where you instantly feel the good Karma, and you just have to bring something home with you. Catherine is also a talented artist and designer and anything she makes flies right out of the store. I have found shopping nirvana.
I'm only 30 minutes from Ann Arbor. I've been wanting to go out there to the scraps place, where you buy by the bag. Have you been?
Now I've got TWO reasons to go the next day I have to myself. (Hopefully soon!)
Great blog, glad I stopped by. Those chocolates are works of art!!
I followed your link and I agree--nirvana.
The fairie doors of Ann Arbor have always intrigued me. I have plans to install one in our house... when I get around to it. This shop seems like even more of a reason to visit when we next are in Windsor, Ontario to see Veto's family.
You must visit Red Shoes! The Ambassador Bridge is an hour away! I can give you a list of my favorite haunts.
I was there two sat ago. Love the store and cathernine. I allways spend waaaay to much but have to make it worth the drive.Is't it the cutest store with the neatest things. How about her snowmen??I had to get some.:) Have a great day. elma2179@yahoo.com
ohh you are one lucky girl !! i want to get to this store someday , I grew up in michigan (kalamazoo) so if i ever go back home i am definitely stopping in !!
Found your blog from Red Shoes. I agree, the shop, the owner, and her blog are heaven. I've got tomorrow and I'm heading out to Ann Arbor (from Royal Oak). Can't wait!
Janet C
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