Monday, January 12, 2009

Death or Discounts?

(Perhaps the reason clowns scare the bejesus out of most people?)
Last night I had the most frightening nightmare, I woke up my husband because I was so terrified. He was less than understanding after I told him the subject matter of my dream.
I was being chased by some super creepy guys who were intent on killing me. I was desperately trying to find a safe hiding place when I ran into a large department store. The store was packed with people because there was a going-out-of-business sale! I knew the creepy people were right behind me, but I was rather torn as I ran past large tables covered in very inexpensive merchandise. I wanted to stop and shop so I kept trying to outrun the scary guys, but they stayed on my heels. I woke up drenched in sweat.
I have had recurring nightmares about trying to overcome extraordinary odds while continuing to shop at an estate sale, but this was my first department store sale nightmare. Why can't I dream about falling or being ill prepared to take an exam???


Adrienne said...

That dream is hilarious! I love your priorities.

Anonymous said...

OMG Linda!

You cracked me up! And trust me, it was well deserved! Thank you~

~ Gabriela ~

Patience_Crabstick said...

Wow, those are some scary clowns.

Anonymous said...

Shopping CAN be pretty dang scary, though! And clowns...hold me. said...

Now I have the giggles. The clowns are awful, but the vision of you trying to decide whether to run or shop won. Too funny. And there I thought I had bad dreams.... ~PJ

Rebecca Ramsey said...

Ack! Now I must try to erase those scary clown pictures from my brain.

A department store sale, huh? I occasionally have nightmares that take place in Target, but I think it's from the time they had a power outage during a sale. You could hardly see in there, but did people stop shopping? No way!

lorhen82 said...

Those clowns are just frightening! You dream was so warped...and let me tell you, I have some doozies too! ~Lori

Becky Brown said...

You can't dream about falling or being ill-prepared to take an exam because nothing is scarier than losing out on a bargain!

I understand.

Saucy said...

I think it was more scary than funny although it was funny! I suspect you dream has to do with the failing economy and the way people are desperate right now. Clowns just scare me to death. They would surely keep me from shopping, no matter the discount.

Rosa said...

LOL I have the nightmare about exams all the time.
Maybe you can stop off and shop in your next dream?

Anonymous said...

You're so funny, Linda. But I have to say, I love the "dreamy" outfit the cue ball in the second picture is sporting... fabulous, dahling! Gosh if you had said you ran into a gi-normous ESTATE sale to escape your tormentors, I could have better understood your trauma... You know, having to choose between losing the most incredible wedding topper of your---well, dreams!!!--- or be eaten alive by the guy with the rubber nose! Now THAT is a Linda C. nightmare!!! (and a Karen OHHHhhh! nightmare too!) ;-)
One step behind you,
and no one to wake-up
in my bed!

Kristen said...

Holy Cow!! That first picture scared me...I was really hoping your post wasn't about some family pictures you'd came across that you wanted to share~ Yikes!
My daughter is terrified of Clowns~ I'll be sure to show her your post when she get's home from school :) said...

YIKES! That first picture is scary!!!

Anonymous said...

You find the best vintage photos to go with your posts. Your dream was very funny.

Lani Robertson said...

ohh, goodness! i always have REALLY crazy dreams.