Friday, November 14, 2008


I have a friend who has the nicest smelling home, she told me she keeps a pot on the stove simmering with water and spices. I immediately filled a pot with cinnamon, whole cloves, nutmeg and water. If mulled cider and apple pie had a baby it would be the smell in my house!
When the kids got home from school they said what are you cooking it smells delicious ? That wonderful scent actually brings out the June Cleaver in me. I did make quite a shmancy meal that night, beef tenderloin, mashed potatoes and roasted carrots. Whenever I make a nice dinner, Mr. Man (now called Gray) is always delayed at work and has to eat his dinner reheated. He came home and ate his meal as I was tucking in the kids. When I came down stairs I asked him if he liked his dinner. He said that the food was great, but the gravy was a little odd. The big dope had drowned his meal in the potpourri on the stove. Gray always hesitates before putting gravy on his food now.


farmerjulie said...

that is funny!! said...

So funny! I would have loved to see his face when you told him. Those mashed potatoes make me hungry... everything makes me hungry...~PJ

Tumble Fish Studio said...

That made me giggle out loud! (sorry, Mr. Man) My family hesitates to eat anything I cook though. If I made the house smell like something good was cooking (which would be a humongous shock to my family in the first place) and then didn't have anything good cooking, I would be hung out to dry. I better just stay with the funky house-needs-a-cleanin' smell.

Raven's Rest Studio, Jennifer Conway said...

ha ha ha!! Too Funny!!

Adrienne said...

LOL! Thank you for that.

vivienne strauss said...

Oh, that is hilarious!!! I can empathize with him. Remember those pretty bath beads, they felt kind of like plastic but were really oil that melted in hot bath water? I was probably 4 or 5 and thought they were candy. Only had to bite into one though...

Unknown said...

You made me laugh out loud. Sounds like something my husband would do too. I've done the simmering spices on the stove thing for years-- found the idea in a book on frugality, this recipe also adds orange peel. I simmer it around the holidays and it truly gets me in the holiday spirit.

Anonymous said...

Ha! Serves him right!!!

Katie Runnels said...

Book #2-best seller-stories from your wonderful life!! YOu are a fantastic writer-and your honesty is so fun and refreshing!! xox

Anonymous said...

Hi Linda~

I had to comment about the mashed potatoes b/c I had Jessie on the phone with me as I was grocery shopping. She gave the step by step to make mashed potatoes for my veggie Shepherd's Pie, but I had forgotten some of the ingredients. Needless to say, the mashed potatoes were awful. I need a good mashed potatoes recipe! Love your blog :)
