Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Instead Of Aladdin

I put together this Moroccan party for Lulu and her friends when they were into Princess Jasmine and Aladdin. I made it a point not to have any Disney versions of these characters at the party.
I made this tent out of PVC pipes and super inexpensive fabric. Lulu gave all of her guests these little pillows made from sari fabric.
I popped these little frames and sequined covered animals into all of the goody bags.
I usually cheat by decorating a plain store bought cake.
The kids dined on couscous, chicken skewers and lots of fruit kabobs.

There is always a craft, the guests turned wood frames into mosaic masterpieces!

Putting together the goody bag is usually my favorite part of the party. Lulu and I scoured different ethnic stores looking for exotic candy and gifts.


Rebecca Ramsey said...

You really should write a party book! Really! Those photos are amazing and you have such great ideas! I'd buy it!

I can't wait to hear about the Oprah show!

Anonymous said...

Would you be my mother? I love my mom, but she thought taping Pin the Tail on the Donkey to the wall was creative!

Raven's Rest Studio, Jennifer Conway said...

wow - you are the best party mom around! My poor Beautiful photo's - I bet everyone had a great time!

Tumble Fish Studio said...

Jill - I asked first (dddaayyysss ago)! Maybe she'll adopt us both.

So, WHEN are you publishing the book on party throwing? (oops just saw rebecca wrote that - okay, well, then that should make it obvious to you!)

You wanna know the very sad and awful truth about me - neither of my kids (now 15 and 16) ever had a birthday party! Groan. I know, I know . . . There were reasons for that and I was okay with it all until I met you. I think I need therapy now to purge the incredible guilt I suddenly feel. Maybe I would've thrown a party if I had a book full of your very clever and magical ideas to inspire, scratch that, compel me to do so. I'm kind of in the mood now as a matter of fact! Hmmm. . . what can we celebrate?

Saucy said...

Now you're really on a roll! I should put your thinking cap on the task of Loopy's upcoming 14th, I was thinking "Chinese New Year"... but seriously I think avoiding the Disney characters was wise and you ended up with a timeless look for your party. Very "IN STYLE" magazine if you ask me.

Sara's Sweet Surprise said...

I agree with Rebecca, a book would be great, but I'd be willing to accept a pamphlet, file, cribnotes, anything....
I use to have party themes when my boys were little. They created the best memories, that we still talk about to this day.

Sweet wishes,

Anonymous said...


hope505 said...

~ whoa! ~ what a beautiful and creative party setting! You are one fabulous mom!!

Katie Runnels said...

I second the party book!! You are the best!!

Anonymous said...

Is it too late for you to adopt a child older than you are?! I would like you to throw me a party, Linda.... any theme... I'm not picky. But exotic little treats and fantasy gallore, yes! What a fantastic birthday party you and LuLu created.