Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Thank you America. I don't ever remember feeling this type of hope and joy over the outcome of an election. I also don't remember 70 degree weather in Chicago during the month of November. It feels pretty close to perfect tonight!


Tumble Fish Studio said...

I am pretty darn tootin' happy too! Wish prop 8 would have been defeated here in CA but other than that I felt like my vote was finally part of the 'something bigger" I wanted it to be about!

Becky Brown said...

I am right there with you. What a great day!

Adrienne said...

Well said!

Anonymous said...

Perfectly perfect!

Linda M. Cain said...

Terrific day! And maybe, just maybe we are on the road to a new kind of America!

Saucy said...

I watched the whole thing on TV of course (and feeling just a wee bit nostalgic because Veto and I consider Chicago our US home-away-from home, going there twice a year since we got married) and it looked so warm for November, just a picture-perfect night! So awesomely awesome.

Betty said...

I am celebrating with you today! I don't know how I found your blog but I'm glad I did!

superbadfriend said...


Sara's Sweet Surprise said...

I'm so thrilled to have seen this NEW change in my lifetime!
Sweet Wishes,